Lynora Brooke has extensive experience working with chief executive, senior leaders and middle management in the public and private sectors in Australia and globally. With over 35 years in business management and consulting, Lynora has strong diverse experience across a broad range of organisations in several countries.
In 2004, Lynora started redefinity, a small consultancy providing Leadership Coaching and Mentoring, Conflict Management Coaching (also known as Conflict Coaching), Facilitation and Mediation services to public sector agencies, corporate, universities, SME’s and not-for-profit businesses. redefinity is a preferred supplier to several of these organisations.
Lynora provides Conflict Management Coaching, pre and post-Mediation Coaching, Return-to-Work Coaching, facilitated restorative discussion and mediation services for a variety of conflicts and disputes, particularly in the workplace and for business partnerships. She delivers training through Resolution Institute (RI), for those wanting to learn the skills of Conflict Management Coaching, an important skill in today’s world. Also with RI, she delivers the 2-day course, ‘A Coaching Approach to Workplace Conflict’ in-house for organisations, assisting leaders and teams to develop their own conflict competencies and guide others to handle conflict more effectively. Lynora coaches on mediation training courses and conducts workplace dynamics assessments, facilitates strategic business planning and project reviews.
As a Mentor and Coach, Lynora has helped her clients operate powerfully in their environments by assisting them to identify their passion, prioritise their goals, formulate effective strategies, enhance their interpersonal communications, improve their influencing skills, have challenging conversations, manage conflict and plan career progression and transition.
Lynora has an adaptable style that is pragmatic, insightful and compassionate and she has considerable experience working in cross-cultural contexts.
Lynora is an experienced and certified Neuro Semantics Meta Coach, Conflict Management Coach and accredited CINERGY® Conflict Management Coaching trainer, NLP practitioner, certified Genos Emotional Intelligence & Hogan practitioner, nationally accredited Mediator, Mediation Coach and Facilitator, and an accredited Mental Health First Aider.
Lynora is a Resolution Institute fellow, a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF), Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI), and the International Society of Neuro Semantics. She is a past Chair with The Executive Connection (TEC) a mentoring organisation for SME CEO’s and a volunteer mediator through Voluntas for not-for-profit organisations. Lynora also does pro-bono coaching and mentoring for individuals in her community.